Govindarasu Manoj
30yo from India
7yrs in Singapore
Singapore PR
HR Manager
Manoj’s Singaporean friends mainly consist of those from his workplace at Thye Hua Kwan as well as his ex-colleagues and neighbours. He also made friends from group study sessions while pursuing his ACCA qualification in Singapore a few years ago.
He usually bonds with them over drinks and often meets them to swim during the weekends.
From Manoj’s perspective, Singapore truly lives up to its name as a clean and green city. He is particularly impressed with its urbanization in terms of transport, facilities and public places. The past few years spent in Singapore has also allowed him to appreciate the taste of Chinese food such as ginseng chicken soup.
Currently, Manoj has achieved permanent residency status and makes a conscious effort to fulfill his obligations as a citizen, including maintaining a clean environment both in and out of his house.
He feels that racial harmony is essential in Singapore as it was originally a country created by people around the world when they arrived as immigrants. It is thus important to maintain racial and religious harmony to preserve the unique nature and origins of Singapore’s history.