Sandeep Kumar
May 14, 2016
Tin Zay Win
Tin Zay Win
May 14, 2016

Renee Shen Meng

Renee Shen Meng

25yo from China
8yrs in Singapore
Singapore PR
Graphic Designer

Renee’s Singaporean friends mostly consist of her current colleagues from Thye Hua Kwan as well as her ex-classmates. She usually meets them for meals, during which they will reminisce about their time spent in school.

Renee has grown accustomed to and appreciates the lifestyle here in Singapore, where she feels that stress levels are generally lower than that experienced in her hometown, China. The variety of local food here is also an added bonus, with Hokkien Mee and Prawn Mee being some of her favourite dishes.

As a member of the THK Aviators, she has also volunteered her time to contribute to the community in various ways, such as helping with food collection at Guang Ming Shan during the Qing Ming Festival.

She feels that racial harmony is essential for the prevention of conflicts among the country’s citizens. This peace and mutual understanding will eventually lead to prosperity and economic development within the nation.